Tuesday 1 July 2014

Highway to Spain

Good morning, I am finally in Spain! I had some problems with blogger yesterday and I had to
change my password etc. and I was too lazy to do it. Now I am here and I have some pics of the trip.
I would have wanted to add some pictures that I took yesterday but I can't get my laptop to
read my SD card ):

I bought Mocking Jay when I was on the ship. I have read about 3/4 of it already!

I love sunsets <3 This picture is taken on the ship.

We visited Aire du Jura as always in France and there were some beautiful flowers :)

in Spain!

Yesterday we went for a walk in the morning, twice to the pool and in the evening we went to the
center! I have only bought 2 cups so far but there is so much that I would want to get, haha.

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