I have participated in a challenge where you need to read as much you can during 24 hours. The challenge is Finnish and you can find it here. During the 24 hours you are supposed to update your
progress on your blog. You tell for example how much you've read and what else you've been doing.
The only rule is that you are supposed to start or finish the challenge on Saturday 15th of August.
I will start my challenge soon, at 12 pm on Friday and I will update my progress here. I have chosen
a couple of books to read. I will try to finish Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie and
start Purge by Sofi Oksanen.
We'll see how far I get! Some people read 1000 pages or even more but my goal is closer to 400 pages, haha. I will update this post a couple of times (under the pictures) to tell you my progress! You can also see my progress on goodreads since I will update it too :)

11:45 - Challenge starts in 15 minutes. I am watching vlogs of Mascha (Dutch youtuber) and
soon I will make some tea and enjoy it while reading :)
13:45 - I am on page 85 of Murder on the Orient Express. I think the book is good so far! Now it is time to make some lunch and have a break!
14:52 - I am ready to go on with reading. I am sitting outside and sunbathing at the same time.
18:33 - I have just finished Murder on the Orient Express and I give it 4/5 stars. Mystery and crime novels aren't my favorite genres but this book was quite good and I enjoyed it! Now it is time for a break. I have read total 210 pages now.
20:58 - My break became 2,5 hours long because I started to clean my closet and throw away some old clothes. I am still not done with it but now it is time to read again!
22:12 - I am on page 58 of Purge. I have read just 259 pages today so I am not sure if I will make it to 400. I will not stress about it because else I don't enjoy reading anymore. I have a headache do I think I will have a break again and continue with cleaning my closet.
23:06 - I am done with cleaning my closet and it is time to go on with reading. I am not so into Purge (at least yet) so we'll see how long I feel like reading.
0:15 - I am almost sleeping on my bed, too tired to read. Time to go brush my teeth and go on with reading in the morning! I have read 290 pages today so I probably won't make it to 400. I will still try!
1:00 - I still went on with reading for some time because the chapters were short so I started a new one all the time. Before I knew it, I had reached part 2 of the book. It is good to stop here for tonight! I have read total 317 pages now.. Maybe I can still make it to 400! Good night <3
10:04 - I have been awake for an hour. I have eaten breakfast and watched a couple of vids. Now I still have 2 hours to read! I try to make it to 400 pages.
11:42 - I made it to 400 pages! Now I still have 18 minutes left.
12:02 - Reading challenge is over! I made it to 417 pages and I finished one book and I have read almost half of Purge. The font size in my books was quite small and the pages were full of text: if I had other kind of books I could have made it a lot further, maybe 500-600 pages.
This was definitely a fun experience and I may try it again another time :) the only thing that made it a bit difficult was my sudden urge to clean my closet.. I think I will continue with that now ;) and a cup of coffee!
Total 417 pages in 24 hours, 1 book finished and another one 47% done!
Tsemppiä maratonille! Sinulla on mukavan erityyliset kirjat. Puhdistuksen englanninkielisen painoksen kansi on todella kaunis, en olekaan sitä aiemmin nähnyt. Tuon Christien kirjan olenkin lukenut. Se on hyvä, murhamamma on ollut vedossa. :)
ReplyDeleteKiitos! Pian on eka kirja luettu ja tykkään kyllä!
DeleteEn itsekkään ollut ennen nähnyt englanninkielistä kantta, mutta näytti nätimmältä kun suomalainen ja kun blogi on englanniksi niin halusin laittaa kannenkin englanniksi :)
Ihanaa, että sultakin löytyy tämä Puhdistus -kirja lukumaratoonista. :) Meillä taitaa olla samanlaiset ajatusmaailmat!
ReplyDeleteJoo! ;) Aika hyvä sattuma!
DeleteGood old Agatha Christie ! I've always been a fan :) Hyviä lukuhetkiä sinulle !
ReplyDeleteKiitos, samoin! Omalta osalta onkin haaste nyt ohi :)
DeleteAmused by the sudden substitute urge for closet-cleaning :)
ReplyDeleteHehe, doesn't happen often so when it does, I got to do it ;)
DeleteMukavaa kuulla, että maratonkokemus oli hyvä ja oli kivat lukutunnelmat. :)
ReplyDeleteNäyttää että sielläkin oli hyvät tunnelmat :) odotellen seuraavaa maratoonia!
DeleteHeh, innostun joskus siivoilemaan kesken koulutöiden teon ;) Ihanat kannet molemmissa kirjoissa!
ReplyDeleteJoo, siivoominen on joskus mielenkiintosempaa.. :D Mul tulee usein innostus kun pitäis mennä nukkumaan!