Sunday, 7 December 2014

Sunday face

Good day! I have had a relaxing weekend. I've been playing BioShock and Tomb Raider (<3)
a lot and I have also studied psychology. Today I am going to Turku with Emilia, yayy! I haven't
been hanging out with her for some time.

I used my new purple eye shadow palette of Dermosil which my mom ordered for me ( I didn't even
know before she did xD). I like it that it has subtle shades that I can use on my daily makeup :)
Here you can also somehow see my new headband which was requested! It is a bit hard to take a 
picture of it myself.

My hair feels so silky <3 I used coconut oil on it yesterday. I applied it everywhere on my hair
a couple of hours before washing it off.

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